
What is Etiäinen.fi?

In Finnish folklore, an ‘etiäinen’ is a reflection of a person, a double or a sensed impression that precedes him/her and does, or pretends to do, the same things that the person will do him or herself later on. Also encounters with such a ‘being’ can be called an etiäinen. An etiäinen can be heard and sometimes also seen. (Wikipedia) 

Etiäinen leads to the source of information

Users of nature and recreation destinations look for information about suitable destinations mainly on the Internet. Services and destinations are also increasingly searched based on recommendations by other users and own experiences that are willingly shared for the benefit of others in the form of reviews. As smartphones have become more common, people are now used to using services that utilise geographic information when travelling and hiking. Today’s etiäinen is an Internet and mobile service that leads you to the source of essential information, guides you to the right direction in the terrain and provides you with the opportunity of both following the traces of others and leaving a trace to be followed by others.

In order to support the use of nature and recreation destinations in the Rovaniemi Region Etiäinen.fi will be constructed. It is an easy to use Internet and mobile service supporting the use of nature and recreation destinations that can be used for seeking information about the region’s trails and destinations and to gain an overall view of the activities and services offered by the region. The goal of Etiäinen is to promote the accessibility of nature and recreation destinations and to serve as an extensive communications channel for nature and recreation services in the region. Contents of the Etiäinen.fi service will be provided by official parties that maintain the destinations and trails.



